
We bring creative and cost-effective solutions to your manufacturing process problems. We have a wealth of hands-on experience with continuous motion, walking beams, feeding and orienting, robotic manipulation, dry offset printing, de-nesting, stacking, part identification, presence verification and assembly testing, and distributed warehousing.


We provide on-site service and training which - by the testimony of our customers – is unequaled. We retain copies of all important documentation for our customers machines so that with changes in maintenance staffing, or the relocation of a manufacturing process, we can be relied on to help personnel who are new to a machine of ours even years after we placed it in service. Service is the key to a satisfied customer and the gateway to repeat business. ..



automationIndustrial Automation


automationProcess Development


automationHigh Speed Continuous Motion


automationVision Inspection


automationDry Offset Printing


automationHigh Speed Assembly


We have created a loyal customer base because of our commitment to delivering what we promise. We have successfully solved problems which others have avoided or tried and failed. We are frequently called in to pick up the pieces of projects gone wrong. We are realistic and straightforward about our ability to deliver a cost-effective solution and we communicate clearly with our customers during the proposal process so we can manage and meet their expectations before the project begins.


Please see our project history page for a sampling of our customers.


We are proud to count among our clients the following companies:











Stoneridge Trelleborg

